Monday, December 25, 2006

Thank You

Today is Christmas, the day you connect with family, friends. The time that can bring many emotions, the personalities vary so much, it brings pain. I question, why we can't be thankful for what we have? I talked to my family today, like many other days, they each have pain, confusion in their lives. I want to scream sometimes, Why can't you be thankful?? Each of us are blessed.
To tell the whole story.... Impossible - Each family member I speak with, expresses pain and sadness. I can only listen, wish, pray they can thank the Lord. He has given me so much, just as he has given them. But, we are like a little world, all by ourselves. I am confused from all the emotions I experienced today. Yet, in my core, I thank Jesus for what he has given me.
He gave me Clark, the man made for me, as I am made for him. I want to be able to sooth them, to guide them. But, I do not know how.......


Anonymous said...

Stick to your seat, my boy; he can't keep this up much longer.. As he stooped to raise the gay woodland treasures he smiled to himself, ever so slightly.. And if a Universalist Sunday-School Convention collects five hundred delegates, the next Congregationalist Sabbath-School Conference must be as large, lest 'they'--whoever they may be--should think 'we'--whoever we may be--are going down.. A girl dreamt that she saw lying dead before her the only surviving child of her sister amid the same surroundings as a few years before she saw the first child lying dead.. Such clothes were surely never made within fifty years.. His body was a wine-pipe or a rum puncheon, or something of that character, and had a truly Falstaffian air.. Hotchkiss, concerns a subject--which I may say is--er--er--at present not of a public or business nature--although later it might become--er--er--both.. TITBOTTOM'S SPECTACLES BY GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS (1824-1892) [From Putnam's Monthly , December, 1854. But--er--my dear lady, need we go as far as that? Cannot this affair be settled--er--out of court? Could not this--er--individual--be admonished--told that he must give satisfaction--personal satisfaction--for his dastardly conduct--to --er--near relative--or even valued personal friend? The--er--arrangements necessary for that purpose I myself would undertake.. The other procedure is also satisfied, since the continuance of the sleep is assured.. You couldn't make a better use of your water privileges, old boy! Ah, misericorde! Ah, mon dieu, je suis abime.. At last he caught the eye of Monsieur Poopoo. Well, Smiley kep' the beast in a little lattice box, and he used to fetch him downtown sometimes and lay for a bet.. The Colonel coughed slightly. Of course you can have anything you want.. An idea merely existing in the region of possibility is replaced by a vision of its accomplishment.. Among the symbols which are used in this manner there are of course many which regularly, or almost regularly, mean the same thing.. Such dreams are numerous; they are usually short, and, as a general rule, do not seem very noticeable, because everything remarkable or exciting surprise is absent.. He went away in inexorable wrath; threatening every practicable visitation of public and private justice upon the head of the offender, whom he accused of having attempted to trick his daughter into an entanglement which should result in his favor.. The same diversity in their ways of formation and the same rules for its solution hold good also for the innumerable medley of dream contents, examples of which I need scarcely adduce...

Anonymous said...

We should be thankful each day for everything we have and will have, I always remember that God blesses me every day with a new dawn and new challege.