Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Breast Cancer

I always hoped this blog would help other people feel comfort or kinship, to someone who has experienced what they have, mainly the experience of stroke. I am not sure that happened, but maybe it will prepare someone for the future. I decided to add another experience, breast cancer, which I was diagnosed with in 2002. There are many women, that have experienced this, men also I hear, but I do not know the percentage of men.
Anyway, I went today to my oncologist and they drew the blood for my appointment next week, so my wonderful, attentive oncologist would have the medical information she needed. One thing I love about her, is her passion, you can hear it in her employees, as they talk about her, in praise, or a comment of something they didn't do exactly right, yet she demands they do. She also takes care of herself. She goes on vacations, that are adventurous, the Amazon, Africa and who knows where. She then covers her walls with pictures of all those wonderful places. She not only keeps up on all the research, she is part of it. She encourages you to be part of a study, if it fits, without making you feel you have too. Anyway, she has a wonderful smile and I thank God she is my oncologist.
More later on my experience as a breast cancer survivor, with hope it help someone.....

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